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A Branch of the

Association of Woodturners of Great Britain

Welcome to our Website

We are an Associated branch of the AWGB in East Anglia  We have demonstrations and talks at our monthly meetings and during the year we also have one day demonstrations given by well known turning celebrities.

Webmaster Brian Partridge brianpart@aol.com

Last changed 30/05/2024

Next Club Night Thursday  6th June

   Unfortunately Nicky Weetman is unable to visit us at the moment due to personal problems. Instead we have decided to have this evening as our hands on evening with three lathes and so we encourage members to bring problems and ideas.

Competition 2019

(Pics by Bryan Wearmouth)

Basic small plate for novices

Decorated plate for experts

To see winners click HERE

Picture sent in by John Warner

This is Cocksedges steam powered turnery, that was in Halstead it was powered by a single cylinder steam engine. Steam was provided by a Cornish boiler, on which they burnt waste wood, lighting was provided by gas lamps. Products made were coconut shy balls, rolling pins, chair legs ect. It was interesting to watch all the line shafting and belts whizzing round. There were about 6 turners working, the works closed in the late 50s.  

 Click here to see the items on

the project page

Go to the demonstrators page under activities to see the latest demonstrations